TO DO WITH "PALESTINE"? NOTHING, BUT The depicting of Mohammad by French cartoonists never had anything to do with Jews, or Palestine, however, in January 2015 pious Muslims saw in their depictions something offensive. The pious Muslims, who Hollande and Valls insist are not Muslim, undertook to kill in retaliation for the insult to the prophet by killing cartoonists, and Jews, to defend "Palestinians". the killing of Jews, unrelated to the cartoons, is not the defending of “Palestinians”, it is an act of antisemitism It should be reiterated that Charlie Hebdo never limited their criticism to Islam, but criticsed Christianity, Judaism and political leaders, so how does the targeting of Jews equate to defending "Palestine"? and why on earth are Jews targeted as a response to the depictions of Mohammad? Hollande was unequivocal, the attack on Jews to "defend Palestinians" over cartoons drawn by others is an act of antisemitism. Epilogue